Transitions, Ink

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Writing Groups

Whenever I hear other writers refer to their writing groups, I am filled with longing. I would love to belong to a writing group. Since starting my MFA, I have had my first taste of what it is like to have other writers read my work and take it seriously enough to offer me constructive criticism. It's a great feeling and I am always inspired and encouraged by the new writing community that I have tapped into. I am relishing the experience of developing friendships with like-minded souls.

Still, it would be something else altogether to have a group of local writers to meet with on a regular basis -- I'm imagining monthly -- to read and discuss one anothers' work-in-progress, maybe take some time to freewrite, celebrate our successes and encourage each other to stick with it. But I don't know how to find them.

I'm considering starting my own. In a couple of weeks, I am going to a seminar on query-writing. I thought I might make up a flyer explaining that I would like to start a writing group and am looking for 4-5 (what's a good number?) others to be in it. I'm not sure, at the flyer stage, how specific to be about the kinds of writing or the kinds of writers that I am looking for. I think that a combination of fiction and non-fiction writers could easily work, as long as they were all serious about the craft. That is the other requirement. But how do you determine how serious someone is about the craft? I wouldn't want to require that they have published (I haven't!), but I do want people who have some publishing goals in mind.

If anyone does respond, I need to be prepared with a list of interview questions so that I can determine their suitability. At the same time, I don't want to be overly controlling because though I want to start the group, I have no desire to run it. Once it is up and running, it needs to be a joint effort.

If you are in a writing group, how did you find it or start it? What format do you use? How often do you meet? What questions do you think are helpful to ask prospective members?


Anonymous said...

I'd suggest at least 6 people because there'll always be at least one person who can't make it.

Good luck!

Tammy Brierly said...

Thanks for your encouragement! I'm writing my story and if my one finger can't cut it, I'm going to write it anyway. It is more than an illness story and it's been on my mind since blogging.

Good luck twin :)

Writer Bug said...

Hi TI, I basically started my own writer's group 3 years ago, so I have some experience in this... Here's what happened: a woman had posted a flyer in the local bookstore saying that she wanted to start a writing group. I called her, and then we started looking for people together. We put up flyers in bookstores and cafes and put an ad in our local paper. We started out with 9 or so people, but it quickly dwindled to abotu 6. We try to keep it at 6 or 7 to prepare for the inevitable absences. We meet every other Thurs at someone's house, and if less than 4 people can make it we don't meet. I think the serious writer factor will work itself out--only those who are serious will consistently make it to meetings and provide good feedback. We do "interview" people now. We have them come to a meeting and get workshopped and workshop someone else to make sure they can handle getting and giving feedback. Other than that, we have no requirements. I hope this helps... Email me if you want to talk more. I highly recommend starting a group. It's a lot of fun.

Idiot Cook said...

I agree with Bug. A fellow writer and I co-founded our group, "The Nobscot Niblets," which MBY is a part of (commenter above). We meet on the first and third Thursday of the month. We have 12 members, 11 of whom are active...the 12th is our host, the owner of the bookstore where we meet. We run our meetings just like the residency workshops. I'm going to snail mail our bylaws, a link to our website, and the flyer I used to start the group.

It's been the best investment of my time I've made in over a decade.

Idiot Cook said...

A great way to look for writers is through Craig's List. You can post a flyer on the community bulletin board.

Writer Bug said...

Oooh. FC, I like the idea of getting a local bookstore to host the group. I'm going to look into that!

sophie said...

What a wonderful project to
embark on...

If i lived near you I would love
to join. It would be so

good for you!!

Heather Blakey said...

If you want to amuse yourself you could actually join Soul Food and help populate Lemuria rather than just having us as a link.

Repeater said...

Once again you women inspire. I can pretend I won't have a writing group, but you know I'll end up starting one before the year's up.

TI said...

Thank you everyone for your input about this. You've inspired me to go for it...and I am joining Soul Food Cafe.