Transitions, Ink

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please Stay Calm

I’m already off coffee, already doing yoga and meditation in the morning, already writing my three longhand morning pages a day, already getting plenty of sleep. I’m not in unreasonable debt, have a ridiculously (even menacingly) secure job, not planning to move anytime soon, and all of my loved ones are alive and well.

But I’m feeling kind of tense all the same…Maybe I need to do like Writer Bug and take a day to restore the balance.


Idiot Cook said...

Something's in the air...I'm feeling out of whack as well. Or maybe it's this little thing called "Third Submission--Due October 6th" that's doing it to me.


Hang in there.

TI said...

I think you're right. The first two submissions were easier because there were fewer distractions.

It's due October 9, though I did set the 6th as my personal deadline.

Thanks, FC. You hang in there too!

Writer Bug said...

I definitely vote for a day off! I'm about to start mine, and I'm feeling better already!