Transitions, Ink

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

On Track, Sort of

I kind of slacked yesterday on the writing, but I made it to yoga and even had a brisk walk later in the day. Today I managed to get in some work on my thesis and on my book revisions, wrote a few letters that needed to be written, spent 20 minutes on the elliptical machine AND did 30 crunches, and stuck to my healthy eating plan.

I think the exercise and smart eating are really important. When I do that, I feel better. When I feel better, I'm more energetic. When I'm more energetic, I have an easier time writing. And when I write, I feel best of all! I'm also giving myself a break by having very low expectations. As long as I do something in each category (a page here, 30 minutes on revision there, a little turn around the campus before lunch, a couple of yoga asanas) I'm satisfied.

Anyway, I'll definitely try to branch out a bit in blog topics, but in the "as long as I do something" lifestyle, I can't promise it'll be much more interesting!


Repeater said...

I second the eating and exercise committment. It really makes all the difference. I'm struggling with where to attack my own writing after such an intense month & residency. Sounds like you're on your way, though! I miss you all & had to come back to see what you're up to. I may blog soon. Maybe.

Idiot Cook said...

Ditto on the eating and exercise...I've been MUCH better this week about both. In fact, I've been lazy today, so I'm now inspired to work out. :)

Congrats on your progress.

Writer Bug said...

Go you! Are you feeling better? I assume at least a bit if you could get in all that exercise!