Transitions, Ink

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday Scribbling #32 Morning

This week's Sunday Scribblings prompt is "morning."

I love the comfort of my bed, but morning is my favourite time of day so it's hard for me to stay in bed. I get up early so that I can make the morning last as long as possible. The quiet calm of morning is difficult to capture at any other time. I like to ease my mind and body into the day, and early rising makes that possible. Today, for example, the morning isn't even over and I've already meditated, written my three morning pages (a great morning habit that I first discovered when I read Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way), done yoga, had breakfast, winterized my motorcycle for storage, and bagged 15 bags of autumn leaves. I can still make a cup of tea and put the finishing touches on my fourth submission and send it off to my mentor before lunch. Time is so expansive in the morning, especially on Sunday. I highly recommend the morning to anyone who hasn't tried it yet!


Writer Bug said...

Wow. Your mornings put mine to shame. :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I had your morning energy! It sounds great.

TI said...

If I don't do that stuff in the morning, I don't do it. I'm no good from lunch until bedtime!

Becca said...

I do the same thing - I get up early to make the morning last as long as possible! I love getting so much done early in the day... and my day starts with Morning Pages, too!

Repeater said...

I can rarely make it happen, but I do love those days. Sounds like a great day.

Rethabile said...

"I love the comfort of my bed, but morning is my favourite time of day."
A nice and good dilemma you've got there. How about doing something you really like, in the morning while in bed?