Transitions, Ink

Monday, January 15, 2007

Day One: Done

Okay, Day One of the new schedule is behind me. I was up, writing, at 5 a.m. as planned. It feels good to write at that time (and did the meditation, morning pages, and yoga), but it does make for a long day. My eyes started to feel heavy at about 3:30 and there was no way I could stay at work and be productive. When I got to my car I had to scrape a thick layer of ice (don't you just love freezing rain) off of my windows for the second time today. That unwelcome exertion really took it out of me. By the time I got home, the rain had turned to snow. A small snack was followed by an afternoon nap. That was the boost I needed. Gave me enough energy to spend some time logging tape for the radio production (I need to have a written account of what, roughly, is in each track of the 500 minutes of tape I now have). I am ready to call it a night, and it's only 9 p.m. At one point, around noon, I started to convince myself that maybe, just maybe, I have been mistaken about how much sleep I need. Not so.

Tomorrow: writing at 5 a.m.; yoga class at 6:30, meditation and morning pages after breakfast.

I also want to find some time this week to post about South Africa. The picture up there is at the Heads in Knysna, a coastal town in the Western Cape on the Garden Route where we spent three days unwinding, just before Christmas. The Heads are where the open sea meets the Lagoon.


Gili Warsett said...

Welcome home. I'm so jealous of your early morning routine. I spent most of today reading and writing. So much new information to put into action. I'm going to link up to your blog and try and figure out everyone else's sites.

See you in six! Happy writing.

Writer Bug said...

You sure do have a, um, prolific commenter... I too am jealous of your routine. I spent today being not nearly as productive. Tomorrow I plan to get up early (for me; you'll probably be running your second marathon by then), and do morning pages, a writing exercise, and meditate. Maybe I'll have some tea along with all that.

Then I'll take Chloe out and hopefully run/walk for a while before I take her to the park to play with her friends. Then I'll come home and get ready for my first day back at work. Ugh. Good luck to all of us as we make our way through this first week back!

TI said...

Okay, day two was not so successful. I just couldn't get up at 5 but did make it to my yoga class at 6:30. So before you all get jealous of my routine, wait to see whether I can actually establish it!

it was great to see you. Gili, I'll add a link. TI

Idiot Cook said...

You inspired me to try getting up extra early today. The "extra" didn't happen, but I was up a bit earlier. I think it's something I'll need to build up to. 5 a.m.--here I come!

Repeater said...

The pict is beautiful- reminds me of New Zealand (I guess they're not THAT far away from each other) oh- and I can only hope to get up by 7- I don't think I can go any earlier

TI said...

7 seems absolutely luxurious now, after a week of trying for 5 (and not doing so well, but it has made 6 seem easier).