Transitions, Ink

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Annotations -- Done!

Okay then. I am ready to focus on revisions of my own writing now that I have completed the craft annotations on Eudora Welty's One Writer's Beginnings and The Collected Stories of Eudora Welty. I did learn a couple of techniques by reading her with the annotations in mind, so they served their purpose. When I sit down to revise I am going to think about establishing minimal character and place at the beginning of a scene, and then letting the action of the scene dictate what else needs to be revealed. I am also going to use the idea of inherited traits to develop my parents' characters and my own at the same time in the memoir. Eudora does this to great effect in her memoir.

I am glad that I have these behind me now because I find that when I am reading and thinking about the annotations, I am not spending time on my writing. That concerns me only because I know how important it is for my process to keep the momentum going. I have been gripped during this time by surges of creative energy but no time to pursue them (I've got some reasonably helpful notes as a result though). I am going stop now because there is simply no need to undermine today's accomplishments by lamenting that they are not something else. The road is long and every step takes me forward.


sophie said...

one step at a time is all that is

Idiot Cook said...


BTW, I do believe the writing we do in our heads DOES count for something...I have no doubt you've been VERY will show itself on paper next week...which I'll be wanting to read (hint, hint). :)

Repeater said...

I just finished mine too last night too ti! (On using unique perspectives). Feels good to only work on our own writing. Sigh.

Tammy Brierly said...

Congrats to you! Woot! Woot!