Transitions, Ink

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Okay, I'll Make a List

Another member of the Mutual Inspiration Society (Bug) has inspired me to make a list. The next submission date, the final one for this semester (hard to believe) is Monday, November 6. I've got two books to finish reading so that I can write my annotations, earlier work to revise in light of excellent comments from my advisor, and a couple of new scenes that I need to write so that I can get feedback before I change advisors in January. I also have to get going on my interdisciplinary project, which I have been neglecting. So, here is my list:

Tonight: Finish Eudora Welty's, One Writer's Beginnings, as well as her short story "Why I Live at the P.O."

Thursday: Write first draft of annotation on Welty's memoir.

By Sunday: Finish reading ten stories (that's enough, isn't it) from The Collected Short Stories of Eudora Welty and write first draft of annotation on it.

Monday October 23- Saturday November 4: Revise earlier work and incorporate new scenes.

Wednesdays between now and then (3 of them): work on interdisciplinary project, which is the syllabus for my "Globalizing Feminism and Feminist Theory" course next semester and send draft to IS supervisor for comments. (I have already chosen and ordered the main books for that course).

Other to-do:

Start exploring Soul Food Cafe.

Plant the rest of the bulbs (25 tulip bulbs to go; so far that squirrels have left the first 25 tulip bulbs and all 70 crocus bulbs alone).

Use the lace shawl knitting project for breaks.

Incorporate at least 3-4 cardio sessions (20-30 minutes each) into my weeks.

Post flyer for writing group (thanks, FC, for the sample from which I have borrowed liberally) at the library and local bookstores; make copies to take to "Developing Your Writing Toolkit" seminar.


Idiot Cook said...

Okay, I'm feeling peer pressured into creating a list! ;)

(Actually, I do write lists all the time...on paper. If I post 'em, then I'll REALLY be held accountable :)

Has Tony been having you read a lot of fiction this semester? (I'm intrigued by all the Welty reading your doing...was this his idea or yours?)

Your list looks good...I'm hoping to have at least one of my books read this week.

Keep at it, TI!

TI said...

Bits of paper stress me out. Getting it down here seems to have helped. T has given me a bit of fiction to read, but mainly non-fiction. He likes to pair up a writer's memoir with some of the writer's other work (as with the month I did Gornick).

Repeater said...

Hey ti, I'm reading the Welty for this submission too (I also am not finished with it). I haven't even started my rewrite though! UGH!

Writer Bug said...

I haven't even gotten comments from my advisor yet! I'm so jealous of y'all... But anyway, good list TI. Seems balanced and doable. (easy for me to say...)