Transitions, Ink

Monday, March 05, 2007

Want to Come Ice Fishing?

This morning it was back to work. I was up at 5:30 working on my essay for the next submission (still aiming for Friday). It was a productive hour; I like how the piece is shaping up. I gave myself plenty of time for my meditation and my morning pages (no yoga today). I had a few things to do to get ready for my 9:30 commitment, and with just a 10 minute commute, leaving at 8:30 was just fine.

Except that the driveway looked kind of like this (well, it didn't look blue, but for some reason that's how it looks now):

Last week it was just a lake. Now, well, I'd have invited you over to go ice fishing, but I really did need to get to work. Then my wheels started spinning -- the Rabbit is cute but front wheel drive? Not so cute. I looked at my watch and tried again. Nothing. I went for help. The car did move some with the pushing (I did a lot of the pushing), but it kept ending up stuck in a worse position. As you can see, it went through the ice. Just when I was ready to give it up and accept defeat, a lovely neighbour came out to offer her help. Between the two of us pushing as hard as we could, R (yes, funny how he ended up in the driver's seat!) managed to control the vehicle as it catapulted free, onto higher and drier ground.

Here is the forecast for this evening. There are two warnings in effect: a snowsquall warning and a windchill warning. We're expecting about 5 cm (2.5 inches of snow), winds northwest (the real cold kind) 40 km per hour, gusting to 60 km per hour at times, temperature plummeting to minus 24 C, minus 32 with the windchill factor. Tomorrow morning is supposed to be sunny, but not when I walk to yoga at 6:30, in the dark, with the wind chill temperature of minus 36 degrees C. Then it's going to snow again. And then again on Wednesday.

Somehow it doesn't seem quite the right time of year for daylight savings time to be starting.


Writer Bug said...

Oh, I so feel your pain. The night before we left for NC I had to drop Chloe at the friend who kindly volunteered to babysit her. Well, my car--which has 4wheel drive mind you--was literally frozen to the street. It took me 45 minutes of hacking at my tires with a shovel and then going forward, reversing, etc. to get out. The worst part? I couldn't even tell B because he has a bad back but I know he would've insisted on helping, which would've made the flight down awful. (Imagine flying next to someone who is terrified of planes and who can't sit still comfortably...) Anyway, I for one am SO lookig forward to daylight savings time. More light is good, even if it's freezing.

Idiot Cook said...

Yeah, but you LIKE this weather, don't you???

Ugh. I got chilled just reading your post.

I agree with Bug on the DST!

Glad you're making progress with the essay! :)

Anonymous said...

The weather's been playing havoc lately. Last Friday my team at work were planning a ski trip, but the resort was closed due to high winds. That day was a real mess. I managed the white-knuckle drive home without major incident, and then got the car stuck in the driveway. :-(

Repeater said...

Oh, sounnds particularly nasty as I'm sitting down here in 60 degree sunshine. At least I have some perks on this job (its been a rough one so far).
I love how you translated from the metric system for us poor sods down here stuck in the old english measurement system!

TI said...

Everyone has a weather tale to tell. Khendron, did you actually get to the resort only to find it closed? Bug, 45 minutes! That's long and frustrating. I was close to tears after just 20. And yes, I like winter for a time but I've had enough and I don't like the messy thaw, and also the reminder that we are not very good at keeping the driveway drivable (like ostriches really). Enjoy the balmy weather Repeater -- it seems to be the only upside of your assignment right now.